
首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 抗體 > 內(nèi)參抗體 > anti-β-Actin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody(兔多克隆抗體)

產(chǎn)品名稱:anti-β-Actin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody(兔多克隆抗體)



產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):anti-β-Actin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody(兔多克隆抗體)在Western Blotting中使用內(nèi)參其實(shí)就是在WB過程中的另外用內(nèi)參對(duì)應(yīng)的抗體檢測(cè)內(nèi)參,這樣在檢測(cè)目的產(chǎn)物的同時(shí)可以檢測(cè)內(nèi)參的表達(dá),由于內(nèi)參在各組織和細(xì)胞中的表達(dá)相對(duì)恒定,借助檢測(cè)每個(gè)樣品內(nèi)參的量就可以用于校正上樣誤差,這樣半定量的結(jié)果才更為可信。




K001527Panti-β-Actin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody(兔多克隆抗體)的詳細(xì)資料:

英文名稱      anti-β-Actin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody 

別  名           Actin

應(yīng)  用           WB

規(guī)  格           100ul

稀釋比例      WB:1:1000

交叉反應(yīng)      human,mouse

GeneID       60

蛋白分子量   42kDa

保  存           Store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.Stable for one year from the date of shipment.

儲(chǔ)存液          PBS, pH 7.4, containing 0.02% sodium azide as Pretive and 50% Glycerol

純化方法       Affinity purification

亞  型            unknown

免疫原          Synthetic Peptide

性  狀           Lyophilized or Liquid

Swiss Prot  P60709

克隆類型      Polyclonal Antibody

宿  主           Rabbit

背景資料     Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in various types of cell motility and are ubiquitously expressed in all eukaryotic cells.

β-Actin is one of six different actin isoforms that have been identified. The actin molecules found in cells of various species and tissues tend to be very similar in their immunological and physical properties. Therefore, Antibodies against β-Actin are useful as loading controls for Western Blotting. However it should be noted that levels of β-Actin may not be stable in certain cells. For example, expression of β-Actin in adipose tissue is very low and therefore β-Actin should not be used as loading control for these tissues.



Beijing Solarbio Science & Technology Co., Ltd





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