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產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng):Anti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody抗體



產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):Anti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody抗體
A polyhistidine-tag is an amino acid motif in proteins that consists of at least five histidine (His) residues, often at the N- or C-terminus of the protein.




K200060MAnti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody抗體的詳細(xì)資料:

Anti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody抗體

英文名稱(chēng) Anti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody

宿主 Mouse

別名 His Tag

應(yīng)用 WB IF IP

稀釋比例 WB 1:3000-8000. IP 1:2000-5000. IF 1:200-1000.

保存 Store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.

儲(chǔ)存液 Buffer: PBS with 0.03% Proclin300, 50% glycerol, pH7.3.

純化方法 Affinity purification

亞型 IgG1

免疫原 A synthetic peptide coupled to KLH

性狀 液體

Public Immunogen Range A synthetic peptide coupled to KLH

克隆類(lèi)型 Monoclonal Antibody

背景資料 A polyhistidine-tag is an amino acid motif in proteins that consists of at least five histidine (His) residues, often at the N- or C-terminus of the protein. Monoclonal antibodies specific to six histidine tags can greatly improve the effectiveness of several different kinds of immunoassays, helping researchers identify, detect, and purify polyhistidine fusion proteins in bacteria, insect cells, and mammalian cells.




《Expression profiling and functional characterization of CD36 in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.)》 作者:ChaoLia1MengyuTiana1LuZhangaQiangFuaLinSongbNingYang 期刊:Fish & Shellfish Immunology 影響因子:3.298 PMID:30064021


《Expression profiling and microbial ligand binding analysis of high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus?L.)》 作者:XinCaiaChengbinGaoaBaofengSubFenghuaTanaNingYangaGuodongWanga 期刊:Fish & Shellfish Immunology 影響因子:3.298 PMID:29679761


《The characterization and initial immune functional analysis of SCARA5 in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus?L.)》 作者:ChaoLia1MengyuTiana1LuZhangaQiangFuaLinSongbFeiChencNingYanga 期刊:Fish & Shellfish Immunology 影響因子:3.298 PMID:30006044


《Characterization, expression signatures and microbial binding analysis of cathepsin A in turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L.(SmCTSA)》 作者:Qiang Fua,Ning Yang,Chengbin Gao,Mengyu Tian,Shun Zhou,Xingjiang Mu,Fanyue Sun,ChaoLi 期刊:Fish & Shellfish Immunology 影響因子:3.298 PMID:29981472


《Identification and initial functional characterization of lysosomal integral membrane protein type 2 (LIMP-2) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.)》 作者:Fenghua Tan,Min Cao,Xuefeng Ge,Chao Li,Mengyu Tian,Lu Zhang,Qiang Fu,Lin Song,Ning Yang 期刊:Developmental and Comparative Immunology 影響因子:3.119 PMID:31176756




Anti-His Tag Monoclonal antibody抗體



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